We operate on a core set of values that are founded on the golden rule: "Do unto others, as you would have them do to you." Essentially, kindness is key in all capacities. We wouldn't have a business without our customers. Please understand, we will do our very best to make it a pleasant shopping experience for you. It is our hope that you have the absolute best experience possible. We will do our best to work with you to provide free shipping, customized designs, quick responses, and decisions made with your benefit in mind. We hope to provide a win-win situation, but in the case we can't help you, we will do our best to point you in the direction to someone who can. WE WANT YOU TO BE SUCCESSFUL!

If there are ever any questions, comments, concerns, ideas or requests for any item on our site - PLEASE reach out to us! You are valuable!

Phone #: 307-247-3598

Email: bonafideamericanliving@yahoo.com

Please understand we will do our very best to reply, but we strongly appreciate your patience!

John 15:12-13

“My command is this:  Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.”